Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blogger Issues - deleted stuff

Hey Yall,

For some reason Blogger has deleted ALLLLL of my blogs I follow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Does anyone know why??????  OR  How I can get them all back?????

Thanks Yall,


  1. Heya Steph,
    Good News: They will return
    Bad News: It may take a few "refreshes"
    This happened A LOT in the middle of last year and seems to be a reoccurring problem again recently. They don't really get deleted. You may just have to log out and log back in after a few minutes to see them again. I know that mine has played teeter-totter for the last couple of days.
    Hope this helps!

  2. Yea its happend to me a few times. Sometimes it may even take an hour or two, but they will be back:)

  3. It's happened to me a few times too, however, they are goin to get rid of the followers, mostly everyone is using the Linky followers or bloglovin...

  4. Thanks Yall, so if they r going to get rid of followers then how do I use the other two you wrote???

  5. Hey there.

    Yup anyone who isnt on blogger and followed you on friend connect is being deleted. I have installed linky to my blog for people to use to follow my blog.
    If you install it here I will be sure to follow via that as well as the reg follower tool:)

  6. OK I think I did it all right...can someone check for me PLEASE!!!! AND Does this mean I need to follow everyone on another site and track my followers on the Linky site. GOSH Im so confused
